This modal verbs of ability exercise checks your understanding of using can, could, and will be able to. Do you know when to use each modal? You can find out below
Good luck!
Modal Verbs of Ability
1. Question
8 years ago, I __________ play the piano.
2. Question
In 3 years, I __________ drive.
3. Question
__________ you hear the music right now?
4. Question
I __________ swim.
5. Question
__________ go to the party?
6. Question
She __________ her homework last night.
7. Question
The singer __________ very well.
8. Question
The teacher __________ find the books yesterday.
9. Question
I __________ vote in the election next year.
10. Question
I __________ hear you. Could you please speak louder?
Would you like more practice with modal verbs of ability? Here is the second test:
Modal Verbs of Ability 2
And here is the lesson if you would like to review: